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2024 Новые конкурсы:

» Конкурс: Разработка концепции серии МАФов из архитектурного бетона «На века», Россия 2024
В центре соревнования - разработка малых архитектурных форм из бетона.

» V смотр-конкурс «Дерево в архитектуре 2024», Россия
Цель смотра-конкурса - демонстрация на примере лучших проектов многообразия...

» Конкурс проектов элемента благоустройства «Выходи во двор!», Россия 2024
Тема конкурса: Разработка концепции игрового интерактивного элемента благоу...

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Я живу в Санкт-Петербурге

Конкурсный проект Тойо Ито "Медиатека в Сендай"

открытый международный архитектурный конкурс на проектирование музея, Россия

конкурс концепций средового дизайна LIC , Португалия.
конкурс проектов Tommorow's Garden City , Великобритания. конкурс идей галерея в Новосибирске , Россия.
конкурс проектов Дом - Эконом, Россия.
Архитектурный конкурс Сан Исидро, Перу

Открытый конкурс проектов Дом из чистого дерева ,Россия

открытый международный конкурс Solar Building Design 2007

Открытый международный конкурс CICCM, Испания
Конкурс проектов KUELAP 2007, Перу
5 международный студенческий конкурс проектов IAHH 2007, Индия,
международный архитектурный конкурс Living Steel, UIA, 2006 - 2007
конкурс идей 07 небоскреб ,
архитектурный конкурс Новое здание кампуса

Архитектурное проектирование - студенческий конкурс H2Ouse - living on the water

Kонкурс на лучший дизайн-проект интерьера квартиры "Интерьер- Дизайн- NEUHAUS 2006"

архитектура, проектирование - конкурс "АрхиОпушка", Россия
дизайн - конкурс в рамках выставки IDSN, Китай
дизайн света - международный конкурс идей Свет в движении

архитектура: открытый международный конкурс эскизов Line of Site,
Проект памятника свободе слова в Мадриде - конкурс для скульпторов и архитекторов, Япония
архитектура, проектирование - конкурс Central Glass, Япония
интерьер - конкурс "Интерьер и функции культурно-досугового центра", Россия
архитектура, ландшафт - архитектурный конкурс Новый шелковый путь, Китай
Международный архитектурный конкурс на реконструкцию дворца, Аргентина
Конкурс Дом из бамбука, США Дизайн, интерьер - 2 новых конкурса


архитектурный конкурс идей для мемориала, Норвегия

Конкурс идей мост - музей в Венеции

архитектура, проектирование - Деревянный дом, Франция, 2006

Ландшафтная архитектура - биеналле Steedman, США, 2006

Конкурс для студентов "Вызов проекта 2006", США

Дизайн, интерьер - конкурсы

Архитектурный конкурс Absolute , Канада, 2005 - 2006.

Международный архитектурный конкурс Площадь Европы , Россия, 2005.

Международный архитектурный конкурс Небоскреб-06 , США, 2005.

Архитектура, средовой дизайн, скульптура - Международный архитектурный конкурс Время в городе, Россия, 2005.

Архитектура, - Международный конкурс для молодых архитекторов Global House, Перу 2005.

дизайн мебели, арт-дизайн - Международный студенческий конкурс vivocity, Сингапур, 2005.

Архитектура и общество -13 Международный фестиваль "Зодчество" Москва , Россия, 2005.

Архитектура, ландшафт, дизайн интерьера - Международный конкурс Биеналле Майами+Бич , США, 2005.

Международный архитектурный студенческий конкурс проектов, США, 2005.

Международный архитектурный конкурс проектов концертного зала , Польша, 2005.

Международный конкурс проектов Living Box, Италия, 2005.

Ландшафтная архитектура. Международный архитектурный конкурс проектов Point Pleasant Park, Канада, 2005.

Архитектурное проектирование. Международный архитектурный конкурс проектов Asian Culture Complex, Корея, 2005.

Градостроительство. Международный открытый конкурс проектов East Darling Harbour. Сидней, 2005

Архитектура - конкурс Автономный дом, Каталония, 2005.

Архитектура - конкурс Архитектура и стекло, Россия, 2005. Регистрация!

Промышленный дизайн. Международный конкурс для дизайнеров и студентов " Проектируя удовольствие", Нидерланды, 2005

Дизайн мебели. Международный конкурс Проект стула

Ландшафтная архитектура - Международная премия Lenne-Prize 2005, Берлин

Международная премия для архитекторов и дизайнеров "Дизайн для всех", IFI

Международная архитектурная премия World Habitat Award

Международный открытый архитектурный конкурс проектов Frontierspace (пограничное пространство), Ванкувер, Канада

Международный архитектурный конкурс проект жилого дома 2005, Япония

Премия DIA 2005г, Россия

Архитектурный международный конкурс проектов KYRL'S QUAY 2005г, Ирландия

Международный архитектурный конкурс идей "Центр "Точка зрения", США

Международный архитектурный конкурс идей JCD для молодежи 18-35 2005, Япония

Архитектурный международный интерьерный конкурс "Интерьер офиса в небоскребе", Италия Архитектурный конкурс проектов "Парашютный павильон на Кони-айленд ", Нью-йорк, США

1ый глобальный Конкурс архитектурных проектов Holcim Awards

Конкурс на лучший дизайн интерьерного объекта Created in Russia

Конкурс архитектурных концепций BRIDGE - PARK


Конкурс для архитекторов, скульпторов и дизайнеров " Знаковое произведение искусства ", Чикаго, США

Конкурс архитектуры и дизайна интерьеров " Ваш дом", Санкт Петербург, Россия

Конкурс предметного дизайна " Питаясь повсюду", Милан, Италия

Конкурс интерьерных идей WORLD Space Creators Awards 2005, Япония

Конкурс проектов "Национальный мемориал жертвам СПИДа", США

3й международный студенческий конкурс IAHH

Международный архитектурный конкурс @ the Olympics 2012

Международный конкурс дизайна мебели IFDA Furniture Design Fair Asahikawa 2005

18 студенческий конкурс дизайна осветителей"Свет эпохи глобализма"

Международный конкурс Ливанский кедр Тадао Андо, Италия

Международный архитектурный конкурс "Британский Антарктический центр", Великобритания

Международная архитектурная премия Баухаус, Германия

Международный конкурс архитектурных проектов "Большие идеи для маленьких участков", Портленд

Международный конкурс архитектурных идей для Montmorency Falls, Квебек, Канада

Международный конкурс проектов применения новых технологий в области общественного пространства FUSEDSPACE.

Международная Премия VELUX 2004 для студентов европейских архитектурных вузов

Всероссийский конкурс студентов и молодых архитекторов на право участия в IX Архитектурной биеннале в Венеции

Nagoya Design Do! - 4 международный конкурс дизайна

Созидание - Украинский национальный конкурс в области архитектуры


User forum - all about the competition

Competition for ideas for the interior of a youth trade-entertainment center
36/40 Sredniy Prospect, Vasilievsky Island, St. Petersburg, Russia

Competition organizer: Forma site (www.forma.spb.ru) an internet portal specializing in the distribution of information on open international competitions, Russian representative to the ICN (International Competition Network).
SELA.ru company www.sela.biz

Type of competition: An international competition open for architects, designers and students from the senior courses of the corresponding higher education establishments.

Deadline for registration: 08.12.2003

Deadline for submission of work: 12.01.2004 (inclusive)

Giving of results: by 20.01.2004 (inclusive)

Vasilievsky Island, in the conception of Peter the Great, the founder of St. Petersburg, was to occupy a position as the central region of the city. It is no coincidence that here we can find many of Petersburg's oldest buildings, such as the Petersburg University and the Arts Academy. Today, the region is acquiring a new status: industrial enterprises are gradually being moved out beyond its borders, and new higher education establishments are being added to the renowned academic institutions that are already located on the island. The marked student character of the territory has become a stimulus for the use of the building of the former Uritsky Factory as a youth center. It was the planned makeup of visitors (aged between 18 and 28) that moved the management of the company to organize an open competition that would be able to attract a broad circle of architects and designers that are close to youth aesthetics to develop conceptions and interiors for the Center.*

* The organizers are not attempting to merely attract the new variation on a high-tech, and hope to receive more original and modern proposals.

Competition Subject
The subject for the competition is the interior of a 7-story building, the former Uritsky Factory which produced tobacco and was, in its day, well known beyond the borders of the city, thanks to its famed Belomorkanal” cigarettes. The building is a monument to industrial architecture and is protected by the state (KGIOP). For this reason, only minimal alterations to the facade of the building are permissible. Exterior alterations are in fact limited to the creation of an additional entrance ensemble (see drawing of facade). Competitors must fully comprehend, for example, that altering the size of the windows IS NOT POSSIBLE.

At the same time, THERE ARE NO LIMITATIONS on the replanning and design of the interior. The total area of the site is approximately 5,000 square meters. According to the conception, the building should become a center for youth life in the fullest sense. Naturally, the most popular youth brands will be presented here: clothing, footwear, and goods and services in demand among youngsters mobile telephones, photo services, etc. A portion of the buildings premises can be used for the offices of firms that focus on youth groups tourism, consulting, work placement, etc. It is EQUALLY IMPORTANT that entertainment and rest and relaxation zones be organized, such as internet cafes, student cafes (along the lines of Moscow's MU-MU), film screening rooms, sports halls, and the like. The internal courtyard can be used as a zone for the holding of various events: presentations, fashion shows, conferences, etc. This competition does not include this territory within the tasks that are facing participants, though for the formation of general conceptions for the competition it will help to know that an atrium may be added to the building on this territory.

Competitors are given the opportunity to designate the purposes of the entertainment premises on the basis of their personal experience and their own perceptions of what would attract visitors.

In the event of participants in the competition expressing an interest, group visits to the building can be organized. Information on the formation of groups will be sent out to registered participants by email.

Competition goal
Through the competition, the organizers
are attempting to receive fresh aesthetic ideas and examples of rational planning of the building which can be seen as an interesting basis for the carrying out of planning works for the Center.

Competition format
The competition will be carried out in one stage and billed as a competition for ideas. From this, it is assumed that priorities will be imaginative originality as regards the submission and an entirely democratic approach in its presentation (see “Content and form of submissions”). In addition, taking into account the short time periods available and the international nature of the competition, the organizers welcome the presentation of submissions in electronic format to: info@forma.spb.ru

Content and form of submissions
Presentation can either be made in the form of drawings and plans on paper, or in electronic format (on a carrier or as a letter).

The presentation must include the following elements:

  1. A plan of the ground floor with entrance ensemble.
  2. A plan of any floor that it is proposed will be rented out (for trade premises or entertainments facilities, as the competition participant shall decide).
  3. Illustration materials elaborating the aesthetic conception no less than one graphic work, either done by hand or on computer.
  4. A written explanatory note on the conception of the submission which shall be up to 5000 characters in length and shall include:
    • The basis for the chosen aesthetic and its applicability to youth groups.
    • The basis for the key planning solutions as concerns the optimal use of the area available and their correspondence to the overall conception of the proposal.
    • A short list of the main materials to be used and, if necessary, a short description of the main constructions (their designation and naming will be a sufficient description).
    • A list of possible entertainments establishments.

Procedure and prize fund
The competition will be held anonymously. Following the submission of an application by email or by post to Youth Center Competition (Maria Lebedeva), 14 Ulitsa Gangutskaya, St. Petersburg, Russia 191187, each participant will be given a random six-figure registration number. The independent professional jury will be made up of qualified working architects that have demonstrated themselves to be professionals of a high standard and have proven popular among youth groups as "newsmakers".

A decision on the winner and second and third positions will be taken by the independent professional jury. There will be a first prize of $1000 USD, and $800 USD and $500 USD for second and third places respectively.

A condition of the competition is that the commissioner retains the right to conclude an agreement for the planning of the site with any of the participants as it sees fit, irrespective of the decision of the jury.

The organizer retains the right to award extra prizes and to convene a public jury for their allocation.

Following the completion of the competition a permanent internet-exhibition featuring all the works submitted to the competition will be organized.

A special event is being prepared for the “entry into history” of all the participants in the competition and the jury members.

Evaluation criteria

  • Suitability for student target groups (aesthetic).
  • Optimality and effectiveness from the economic point of view of the planning solutions.
  • Image effectiveness of the proposal for the promotion of trademarks in youth clothing and the gaining by the center of a status as the main place “to hang out” among youngsters, in accordance with the attractiveness of the center as a place for the holding of various events for youth groups.

Legal considerations
The rights to ideas belong to their authors. The right to the publication of the work and its exhibition is transferred to the organizers and the commissioner. At the same time, the author can publish the work independently, though a reference to the organizers of the competition is obligatory. The works of the participants in the competition can be presented for use in other competitions not before three months have passed after the jury has given a verdict on the competition and only with an obligatory reference to the organizers of the competition. In cases where, as a result of the decision of the commissioner participants must work together on a design, they must regulate their financial relations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. In cases where, as a result of the decision of the commissioner, one of the participants concludes a contract with the commissioner for design works, that participant takes on full legal and financial responsibility before other participants in the competition for the use, full or partial, of their ideas in the process of planning. Each participant in the competition that has gone through the registration procedure assumes a responsibility to observe current legislation regarding author’s rights. Disputes between the participants will be resolved in legal form.

The awards for the winners will be paid in ruble equivalent employing the exchange rate of the Central Bank on the day of payment. All tax considerations must be resolved independently by the winners in accordance with the tax legislation of the Russian Federation and the country where the winner is resident.

Registration and additional information
In order to register, participants in the competition must copy the application form, fill it out and send it by email to
info@forma.spb.ru, writing in the subject heading APPLICATION.
Or send a letter to the following address: Youth Center Competition (Maria Lebedeva), 14 Ulitsa Gangutskaya, St. Petersburg, Russia 191187.

Following the receipt of an application, the participant will be given a registration number. By email or by applying by post to the address Youth Center Competition (Maria Lebedeva), 14 Ulitsa Gangutskaya, St. Petersburg, Russia 191187 the participant will receive the following of package of documents.

  • Photograph of the fasade of the building 1 copy.
  • Sectional plans of the building 1 copy.
  • Floor-by-floor plans of the building 1 copy.
  • Historical information 1 copy.


Natalia Shustrova - +7 (911) 220-44-37, info@forma.spb.ru

By sending the application, the sender is conveying his or her agreement to all the conditions of the competition.
